We present the results of the Northern extension of the HI Parkes Zone of Avoidance Survey, a blind HI survey utilizing the multibeam receiver on the Parkes 64m telescope. In the two regions studied here, l=36{deg}-52{deg} and l=196{deg}-212{deg}, |b|<=5{deg}, we have detected 77 HI galaxies, 20 of which have been previously detected in HI. The survey has a median rms noise of 6.0mJy/beam and is complete to a mean flux density of 22mJy. We have searched for multiwavelength counterparts to the 77 galaxies detected here: 19, 27, and 11 have a likely optical, 2MASS (Cat. <VII/233>), and IRAS (Cat. <II/125>) cataloged counterpart, respectively.