We present total and polarized intensity images of 15 active galactic nuclei obtained with the Very Long Baseline Array at 7mm (43GHz) wavelength at 17 epochs from 1998 March to 2001 April. At some epochs the images are accompanied by nearly simultaneous polarization measurements at 3mm (86GHz) with the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association (BIMA) array (Hat Creek, California), 1.35/0.85mm (230/350GHz) with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT; using SCUBA and its polarimeter, and at the Steward Observatory 1.5m telescope (Mount Lemmon, Arizona) with the Two-Holer Polarimeter/Photometer over an effective wavelength range of ~6000-7000{AA}. Here we analyze the 7mm images to define the properties of the jets of two radio galaxies, five BL Lac objects, and eight quasars on angular scales >~0.1mas. We determine the apparent velocities of 106 features in the jets.