Central velocity dispersions and eight line-strength Lick indices have been determined from 1.3{AA} resolution long-slit spectra of 16 elliptical galaxies in Hickson compact groups. These data were used to determine galaxy properties (ages, metallicities, and {alpha}-element enhancements) and allowed a comparison with the parameters determined for a sample of galaxies in lower density environments studied by Gonzalez (1993, Ph.D. thesis, Univ. California, Santa Cruz). The stellar population parameters were derived by comparison to single stellar population models of Thomas et al. (Cat. <J/ApJ/621/673>) and to a new set of simple stellar population models for the indices Mg_2_, Fe5270, and Fe5335 based on synthetic spectra. These models, based on an updated version of the fitting functions presented in Barbuy et al. (Cat. <J/A+A/404/661>), are fully described here.