New BV(RI)C observations of 77 stars in the Hyades are reported and discussed. The new observations are used to test published magnitudes and color indices for that cluster. For values of (V-R)C and (R-I)C published previously by Taylor & Joner (1985AJ.....90..479T and 2005, Cat. <J/ApJS/159/100>), the tests reveal no detectable scale-factor problems. In addition, the tests show that possible zero-point corrections to the published data can be no larger than a few millimagnitudes. These test results indicate that future studies requiring precision photometry for Hyades stars would be well served by selecting data samples from sources as close as possible to the native Cousins system. Tests of B-V photometry published by Johnson & Knuckles (1955ApJ...122..209J) reveal a zero-point ambiguity of approximately 8mmag in the new data that will require further measurements to resolve.