We report on the most sensitive water maser survey toward Bok globules to date, performed using NASA's 70m antenna at Robledo de Chavela (Spain). We observed 207 positions within the Clemens and Barvainis catalog with a higher probability of harboring a young star, using as selection criteria the presence of radio continuum emission (from submillimeter to centimeter wavelengths), geometric centers of molecular outflows, peaks in maps of high-density gas tracers (NH3 or CS), and IRAS point sources. We have obtained seven maser detections, six of which (in CB 34, CB 54, CB 65, CB 101, CB 199, and CB 232) are reported for the first time here. Most of the water masers we detected are likely to be associated with young stellar objects (YSOs), except for CB 101 (probably an evolved object) and CB 65 (uncertain nature). The water maser in CB 199 shows a relatively high shift (30km/s) of its velocity centroid with respect to the cloud velocity, which is unusual for low-mass YSOs. We speculate that high-velocity masers in this kind of object could be related to episodes of energetic mass loss in close binaries. Alternatively, the maser in CB 199 could be pumped by a protoplanetary or a young planetary nebula. CB 232 is the smallest Bok globule (0.6pc) known to be associated with water maser emission, although it would be superseded by the cases of CB 65 (0.3pc) and CB 199 (0.5pc) if their association with YSOs is confirmed. All our selection criteria have statistically compatible detection rates, except for IRAS sources, which tend to be somewhat worse predictors for the presence of maser emission.