We used V and I CCD photometry to search for low surface brightness dwarf galaxies in the central (<0.5h^-1^Mpc) region of the groups NGC 6868, NGC 5846, HCG 42, and the poor cluster IC 4765. We used the exponential profile fit parameters to identify 80 low surface brightness dwarf galaxy candidates with 17mag<V<22mag (-16.7>MV>-11.4), V-I<1.5mag, {mu}_0_>22.5Vmag/arcsec^2^, h>1.5", and diameters larger than 1.2h^-1^kpc. Twenty of these galaxies are extended low surface brightness galaxies that were detected only on smoothed images, after masking all high surface brightness objects. The completeness in the sample detection is ~80% for V~<20 and 22.5Vmag/arcsec^2^<{mu}_0_<24.5Vmag/arcsec^2^. For galaxies with V>20mag and {mu}_0_>24.5Vmag/arcsec^2^, the completeness is below 50% but increases to ~80% when we search for galaxies in smoothed images.