The existing CCD/Transit Instrument (CTI-I) survey database was searched for variable stars with 12<V<18.5. This magnitude range corresponds to the saturation limit and the practical faint limit of the original survey (1987-1992). The CTI-I imaged a strip of the sky with a narrow spread of declination over all right ascensions. The resulting survey area covers a large range of both Galactic latitude and longitude, and includes approximately 50deg^2^. Numerous challenges created by the automated photometry pipeline and associated solutions to these problems implemented during the variable suspect selection process are described. The final list contains 1807 stars. Details and the photometry of each are provided to facilitate selection for follow-up observations and subsequent analysis. Known variable stars listed in the General Catalog of Variable Stars are identified, and follow-up observations at the US Air Force Academy Observatory of selected brighter suspects (V<15) previously not identified as variable are also described.