The question as to whether the distribution of radio loudness in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is actually bimodal has been discussed extensively in the literature. Furthermore, there have been claims that radio loudness depends on black hole mass (M_BH_) and Eddington ratio (L_bol_/L_Edd_).We investigate these claims using the low- redshift broad line AGN sample of Greene & Ho (2007ApJ...667..131G), which consists of 8434 objects at z<0.35 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Fourth Data Release (SDSS DR4). We obtained radio fluxes from the Very Large Array Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters (FIRST) survey for the SDSS AGN. Out of the 8434 SDSS AGNs, 821 have corresponding observed radio fluxes in the FIRST survey.