GSC 3355 0394 has an EB-type light curve, which is dominated by hot and cool spot activities. It displays night-to-night variations in light-curve shapes. The period study yields six new times of minimum light and the first precision ephemeris, HJD TminI=2454408.9547+/-0.0017+0.4621603+/-.0000008d*E. VRcIc standard magnitudes are presented. BVRI Wilson synthetic light-curve solutions are calculated for both a Mode 4 (V1010 Oph-type, semidetached, more massive component filling its Roche lobe) configuration and a Mode 3, contact configuration (fill-out 100% or critical contact). The critical contact is the lowest residual solution. Four major spot regions are needed to model this binary, at least one is evidently a stream spot.