Smooth X-ray morphology and non-detection of a radio source at the center of A2589 indicate that it is a typical case of a well-relaxed regular galaxy cluster. In this paper, we present a multicolor photometry for A2589 (z=0.0414) with 15 intermediate bands in the Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut (BATC) system which covers an optical wavelength range from 3000{AA} to 10000{AA}. The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for more than 5000 sources are achieved down to V~20mag in about a 1{deg}^2^ field. A2589 has also been covered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) in photometric mode only. A cross-identification of the BATC-detected galaxies with the SDSS photometric catalog yields 1199 galaxies brighter than i=19.5mag, among which 68 member galaxies with known spectroscopic redshifts are found. After combining the SDSS five-band photometric data and the BATC SEDs, photometric redshift is applied to these galaxies to select faint member galaxies. The color-magnitude relation is taken as a further restriction of early-type cluster galaxies. As a result, 106 galaxies are newly selected as member galaxies.