Several population synthesis models now predict integrated colors of simple stellar populations in the mid-infrared bands. To date, the models have not been extensively tested in this wavelength range. In a comparison of the predictions of several recent population synthesis models, the integrated colors are found to cover approximately the same range but to disagree in detail, for example, on the effects of metallicity. To test against observational data, globular clusters (GCs) are used as the closest objects to idealized groups of stars with a single age and single metallicity. Using recent mass estimates, we have compiled a sample of massive, old GCs in M31 which contain enough stars to guard against the stochastic effects of small-number statistics, and measured their integrated colors in the Spitzer/IRAC bands. Comparison of the cluster photometry in the IRAC bands with the model predictions shows that the models reproduce the cluster colors reasonably well, except for a small (not statistically significant) offset in [4.5]-[5.8]. In this color, models without circumstellar dust emission predict bluer values than are observed. Model predictions of colors formed from the V band and the IRAC 3.6 and 4.5{micro}m bands are redder than the observed data at high metallicities and we discuss several possible explanations. In agreement with model predictions, V-[3.6] and V-[4.5] colors are found to have metallicity sensitivity similar to or slightly better than V-K_s_.