We present a detailed study of the close eclipsing binary BS Vulpeculae. Although it is relatively bright (V: 10.9-11.6mag) and belongs to short-periodic variable stars (P=0.48days), it is rather neglected. To perform a thorough period analysis, we collected all available photometric observations that span the time interval of 1898-2010. Observations include archive photographic plate measurements and visually determined eclipse minima timings done in 1979-2003, which were later shown to be biased to accommodate the existing linear ephemeris. Applying our own direct period analysis we found a well-defined shortening of the orbital period of dP/dt=-6.70(17)x10^-11^=-2.11(6)ms/yr, which implies a continual mass flow from the primary to the secondary component. Using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Van Hamme code, our new complete BV(IR)_C_ light curves were analyzed and the physical parameters of the system were derived. We found that BS Vul is a near contact binary system with the primary component filling its critical Roche lobe. The luminosity enhancement on the left shoulder of the secondary minimum shown in the light curves can be explained as a result of a persistent hot spot on the secondary due to the mass transfer from the primary component to the secondary one and heating the facing hemisphere of the secondary component, which is consistent with our result of period analysis. With the period decrease, BS Vul will evolve toward the contact phase. It is another good observational example as predicted by the theory of thermal relaxation oscillations.