Complete Bessel BVR_c_I_c_ light curves of V1043 Cassiopeia [2MASS J00371195+5301324, Mis V1292, USNO-A2.0 1425-00875743, {alpha}(2000)=00^h^37^m^11.95^s^, {delta}(2000)=+53{deg}01'32.5"] are analyzed. The system is a member of the small group of pre-contact W UMa binaries (PCWBs). Its light curve has the appearance of an Algol (EA) light curve, however it is made up of dwarf solar type components in a detached mode with a period of only 0.6616days. The analysis includes a period study, an improved ephemeris, a mass ratio search, and a simultaneous BVR_c_I_c_ Wilson-Devinney solution. We document about 20 other PCWBs given in the literature. Several have RS CVn-like properties.