Among quadruples or higher multiplicity stars, only a few doubly eclipsing binary systems have been discovered. They are important targets for understanding the formation and evolution of multiple stellar systems because we can obtain accurate stellar parameters from photometric and spectroscopic studies. We present the observational results of this kind of rare object, 1SWASP J093010.78+533859.5, for which the doubly eclipsing feature had been detected previously from the SuperWASP photometric archive. Individual point-spread function photometry for two objects with a separation of about 1.9" was performed for the first time in this study. Our time-series photometric data confirms the finding of Lohr et al. that the bright object A is an Algol-type detached eclipsing binary and the fainter B is a W UMa-type contact eclipsing. Using high-resolution optical spectra, we obtained well-defined radial velocity variations of system A. Furthermore, stationary spectral lines were detected that must have originated from a further, previously unrecognized stellar component. It was confirmed by the third object contribution from the light-curve analysis. No spectral feature of system B was detected, probably due to motion blur by long exposure times. We obtained the binary parameters and the absolute dimensions of systems A and B from light-curve synthesis with and without radial velocities, respectively. The primary and secondary components of system A have a spectral type of K1 and K5 main sequences, respectively. Two components of system B have nearly the same type of K3 main sequence. Light variations for both binaries are satisfactorily modeled by using two-spot models with one starspot on each component. We estimated the distances to systems A and B individually. Two systems may have similar distances of about 70 pc and seem to be gravitationally bound with a separation of about 130 AU. In conclusion, we suggest that 1SWASP J093010.78+533859.5 is a quintuple stellar system with a hierarchical structure of a triple system A(ab)c and a binary system B(ab).