The current generation of stellar isochrone models exhibits non-negligible discrepancies due to variations in the input physics. The success of each model is determined by how well it fits the observations, and this paper aims to disentangle contributions from the various physical inputs. New deep, wide-field optical and near-infrared photometry (UBVRIJHK_S_) of the cluster M35 is presented, against which several isochrone systems are compared: Padova, PARSEC, Dartmouth, and Y^2^. Two different atmosphere models are applied to each isochrone: ATLAS9 and BT-Settl. For any isochrone set and atmosphere model, observed data are accurately reproduced for all stars more massive than 0.7M_{sun}_. For stars less massive than 0.7M_{sun}_, Padova and PARSEC isochrones consistently produce higher temperatures than observed. Dartmouth and Y^2^ isochrones with BT-Settl atmospheres reproduce optical data accurately; however, they appear too blue in IR colors. It is speculated that molecular contributions to stellar spectra in the near-infrared may not be fully explored, and that future study may reconcile these differences.