The star 1SWASP J022727.03+115641.7 was reported as a contact binary with a period shorter than the empirical limit of such systems. Our study shows the star not to be variable. Instead, it is the nearby star, 2MASS 02272637+1156494, that exhibits variability. The BRI CCD light curves of 2MASS 02272637+1156494 show the system to be a moderate mass ratio (2.154_-0.074_^+0.008^), and shallow contact (10.4_-1.9_^+1.4^%) W-type contact binary. The masses, radii, and luminosities of the binary components are, respectively, M_1_=0.25_-0.01_^+0.05^M_{sun}_, M_2_=0.54_-0.04_^+0.11^M_{sun}_, R_1_=0.45_-0.01_^+0.02^R_{sun}_, R_2_=0.63_-0.02_^+0.04^R_{sun}_, L_1_=0.038_-0.005_^+0.018^L_{sun}_, and L_2_=0.071_-0.010_^+0.037^L_{sun}_, with an estimated distance 326_-46_^+127^ pc. These uncertainties mainly come from the errors of the colors used to estimate the temperature of the primary star. A dark spot was introduced on the massive component in the final solution.