We present comprehensive X-ray point source catalogs of NGC55, NGC2403, and NGC4214 as part of the Chandra Local Volume Survey. The combined archival observations have effective exposure times of 56.5ks, 190ks, and 79ks for NGC55, NGC2403, and NGC4214, respectively. When combined with our published catalogs for NGC300 and NGC404, our survey contains 629 X-ray sources total down to a limiting unabsorbed luminosity of ~5x10^35^erg/s in the 0.35-8keV band in each of the five galaxies. We present X-ray hardness ratios, spectral analysis, radial source distributions, and an analysis of the temporal variability for the X-ray sources detected at high significance. To constrain the nature of each X-ray source, we carried out cross-correlations with multi-wavelength data sets. We searched overlapping Hubble Space Telescope observations for optical counterparts to our X-ray detections to provide preliminary classifications for each X-ray source as a likely X-ray binary, background active galactic nucleus, supernova remnant, or foreground star.