Extensive and independent observations of Type Ia supernova (SNIa) SN2013dy are presented, including a larger set of UBVRI photometry and optical spectra from a few days before the peak brightness to ~200days after explosion, and ultraviolet (UV) photometry spanning from t~-10days to t~+15days refers to the B band maximum. The peak brightness (i.e., M_B_=-19.65+/-0.40mag; L_max_=[1.95+/-0.55]*10^43^/ergs) and the mass of synthesized ^56^Ni (i.e., M(^56^Ni)=0.90+/-0.26M_{Sun}_) are calculated, and they conform to the expectation for an SNIa with a slow decline rate (i.e., {Delta}m_15_(B)=0.90+/-0.03mag). However, the near infrared (NIR) brightness of this SN (i.e., M_H_=-17.33+/-0.30mag) is at least 1.0mag fainter than usual. Besides, spectroscopy classification reveals that SN2013dy resides on the border of "core normal" and "shallow silicon" subclasses in the Branch et al. classification scheme, or on the border of the "normal velocity" SNeIa and 91T/99aa-like events in the Wang et al. system. These suggest that SN2013dy is a slow-declining SNIa located on the transitional region of nominal spectroscopic subclasses and might not be a typical normal sample of SNeIa.