As part of our study of the old (~2.5Gyr) open cluster NGC 6819 in the Kepler field, we present photometric (Kepler and ground-based BVR_C_I_C_) and spectroscopic observations of the detached eclipsing binary WOCS 24009 (Auner 665; KIC5023948) with a short orbital period of 3.6 days. WOCS 24009 is a triple-lined system, and we verify that the brightest star is physically orbiting the eclipsing binary using radial velocities and eclipse timing variations. The eclipsing binary components have masses M_B_=1.090+/-0.010M_{sun}_ and M_C_=1.075+/-0.013M_{sun}_, and radii R_B_=1.099+/-0.006+/-0.005R_{sun}_and R_C_=1.069+/-0.006+/-0.013R_{sun}_. The bright non-eclipsing star resides at the cluster turnoff, and ultimately its mass will directly constrain the turnoff mass: our preliminary determination is M_A_=1.251+/-0.057M_{sun}_. A careful examination of the light curves indicates that the fainter star in the eclipsing binary undergoes a very brief period of total eclipse, which enables us to precisely decompose the light of the three stars and place them in the color-magnitude diagram (CMD). We also present improved analysis of two previously discussed detached eclipsing stars in NGC6819 (WOCS40007 and WOCS23009) en route to a combined determination of the cluster's distance modulus (m-M)_V_=12.38+/-0.04. Because this paper significantly increases the number of measured stars in the cluster, we can better constrain the age of the CMD to be 2.21+/-0.10+/-0.20Gyr. Additionally, using all measured eclipsing binary star masses and radii, we constrain the age to 2.38+/-0.05+/-0.22Gyr. The quoted uncertainties are estimates of measurement and systematic uncertainties (due to model physics differences and metal content), respectively.