Observations and a 2015 Wilson-Devinney Program analysis are undertaken for the first precision observations of DD Indi. DD Indi is of solar-type (T_1_~5750K) and was determined to be a shallow-contact eclipsing binary. It was observed from 2013 June through September at Cerro Tololo InterAmerican Observatory in remote mode. The 24 inch Boller and Chivens reflector, now under management by The Southeastern Association for Resarch in Astronomy (SARA) was used. Five new eclipse timings were obtained, for three primary and two secondary eclipses. Seven more eclipse timings were calculated from All Sky Automated Survey data. A possibly increasing period was found from all available eclipse timings with a 5+/-2x10^-11^xE^2^ quadratic term. A BVR_c_I_c_ simultaneous synthetic light-curve analysis reveals that the system has a mass ratio of ~0.46, a ~140K component temperature difference, and two weak cool spots. The Roche Lobe fill-out of this W-type binary is only ~11%, and an inclination of ~86{deg} was determined. A time of constant light of ~16 minutes is measured around phase zero. More detail is included in this report.