The Southern H II Region Discovery Survey is a survey of the third and fourth quadrants of the Galactic plane that will detect radio recombination line (RRL) and continuum emission at cm-wavelengths from several hundred H II region candidates using the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The targets for this survey come from the WISE Catalog of Galactic H II Regions (Anderson et al. 2014, J/ApJS/212/1) and were identified based on mid-infrared and radio continuum emission. In this pilot project, two different configurations of the Compact Array Broad Band receiver and spectrometer system were used for short test observations. The pilot surveys detected RRL emission from 36 of 53 H II region candidates, as well as seven known H II regions that were included for calibration. These 36 recombination line detections confirm that the candidates are true H II regions and allow us to estimate their distances.