The collections of spectral energy distributions (SEDs) in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) CALSPEC database are augmented by 19 infrared (IR) SEDs from Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) IR grism spectra. Together, the two IR grisms, G102 and G141, cover the 0.8-1.7 {mu}m range with resolutions of R=200 and 150, respectively. These new WFC3 SEDs overlap existing CALSPEC Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) standard star flux distributions at 0.8-1 {mu}m with agreement to ~<1%. Some CALSPEC standards already have near-IR camera and multi-object spectrogragh (NICMOS) SEDs; but in their overlap region at 0.8-1.7 {mu}m, the WFC3 data have better wavelength accuracy, better spectral resolution, better repeatability, and, consequently, better flux distributions of ~1% accuracy in our CALSPEC absolute flux SEDs versus ~2% for NICMOS. With the improved SEDs in the WFC3 range, the modeled extrapolations to 32 {mu}m for the James Webb Space Telescope flux standards begin to lose precision longward of the 1.7 {mu}m WFC3 limit, instead of at the 1.0-{mu}m-long wavelength limit for STIS. For example, the extrapolated IR flux longward of 1.7 {mu}m for 1808347 increases by ~1% for the model fit to the data with WFC3, instead of just to the STIS SED alone.