To continue our study on chromospheric activity and detection for possible prominence events of the very active RS Canum Venaticorum star SZ Piscium (SZ Psc), long-term high-resolution spectroscopic observations were obtained during several observing runs from 2014 to 2018. Based on the spectral subtraction technique, the chromospheric emission of the CaII IRT ({lambda}8662, {lambda}8542, and {lambda}8498), H_{alpha}_, NaI D_1_, D_2_ doublet, H_{beta}_, and CaII H & K lines is mainly associated with the K1 IV primary star of the SZ Psc system, in good agreement with the previous studies, and the F8 V secondary star also shows some chromospheric emission, implying its active chromosphere. Moreover, an optical flare characterized by the HeI D3 line emission together with stronger emission in the other indicators was detected. Furthermore, two chromospheric active longitudes around the two quadratures of the system were identified for most of the time, and the chromospheric activity shows significant changes during a few orbital cycles. The chromospheric activity level seems to show a long-term variation during our observations. There were some excess absorption features in the subtracted H{alpha} line and the other activity indicators, which would be caused by prominence-like materials associated with the K1 IV primary star of the system. Prominence materials could absorb the chromospheric emission and continuum from the K1 IV primary star and even the F8 V secondary one.