High precision CCD observations of six totally eclipsing contact binaries were presented and analyzed. It is found that only one target is an A-type contact binary (V429Cam), while the others are W-type contact ones. By analyzing the times of light minima, we discovered that two of them exhibit secular period increase while three manifest long-term period decrease. For V1033Her, a cyclic variation superimposed on the long-term increase was discovered. By comparing the Gaia distances with those calculated by the absolute parameters of 173 contact binaries, we found that the Gaia distance can be applied to estimate the absolute parameters for most contact binaries. The absolute parameters of our six targets were estimated using their Gaia distances. The evolutionary status of contact binaries was studied, and we found that the A- and W-subtype contact binaries may have different formation channels. The relationship between the spectroscopic and photometric mass ratios for 101 contact binaries was presented. It was discovered that the photometric mass ratios are in good agreement with the spectroscopic ones for almost all of the totally eclipsing systems, which is corresponding to the results derived by Pribulla et al. and Terrell & Wilson.