We monitored a 3deg^2^ area toward Serpens Main in the Pan-STARRS1 r, i, and z bands from 2016 April to September. Light curves of more than 11000 stars in each band were obtained, and 143 variables have been identified. Among those, 119 variables are new discoveries, while 24 variables were previously known. We present variability classes and periods of 99 stars. Of these, 81 are located in the upper giant branch, displaying long periods, while the remaining 18 variables are pre-main-sequence objects with short periods. We also identify eight eclipsing binary systems, including the known binary V0623Ser, and derive their physical parameters. According to a clustering analysis of Gaia DR2 stars in the observed field, there are 10 variable members in Serpens Main, where six members have been classified as young stellar objects in previous studies. Here we provide color-magnitude and color-color diagrams for these variables. The color variability of most variables in the color-magnitude diagrams produces the expected displacements, while the movements of cluster members point in different directions; this behavior may be associated with accretion spots or circumstellar disks.