A multifrequency deep survey of a band of sky with the declination of the source SS 433 ({delta}~5{deg}+/-20') was performed as part of the "Kholod" program on the RATAN-600 in 1987-1988. The right ascension intervals covered by the survey are 0h<{alpha}<14h and 18h<{alpha}<24h. The spectral properties of 400 sources from the RC catalog were determined for the first time by using only RATAN-600 data. The maximum in the flux density distribution for these sources at the central wavelength, {lambda}7.6cm, occurs at ~30mJy. The lower flux limits for the sample at wavelengths of 3.9, 7.6, 13.0, and 31.0cm are 16, 9, 37, and 61mJy, respectively. These observations provide the first flux estimates at 13.0 and 31.0cm for 90% of the sources. Spectra were measured for the first time for 112 sources (28%) and were revised for 90 sources (23%). The maximum in the spectral index distribution for the entire sample in the interval from {lambda}{lambda}7.6-31.0cm occurs at {alpha}=-0.86+/-0.04 (S_v_~{nu}^{alpha}^). The spectra of some 20 of the sample sources (5%) are peaked at roughly 1GHz, and about 40 spectra (10%) have low-frequency breaks. Roughly 70 sources (19%) have flat spectra ({alpha}>-0.5), and 64 (18%) have very steep spectra ({alpha}<-1.1).