We present optical identifications, classifications, and radio spectra of 19 radio sources from a complete sample in flux-density with the declinations 10{deg}-12{deg}30' (J2000) obtained with the 6-m optical telescope (4000-9000{AA}) and RATAN-600 radio telescope (0.97-21.7GHz) of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. Twelve objects with redshifts from 0.573-2.694 have been classified as quasars, and two objects with featureless spectra as BL Lac objects. Four objects are emission-line radio galaxies with redshifts from 0.204 to 0.311, one object is an absorption-line radio galaxy with redshift 0.214. Radio flux densities have been obtained at six frequencies for all sources except for two extended objects. The radio spectra of five of the sources can be separated into extended and compact components. Three objects display substantial rapid and long-term variability of their flux densities.