We analyze the mean luminosity of three samples of field RRab Lyr stars observed in the course of the OGLE microlensing experiment: 73 stars from the Galactic bulge and 110 and 128 stars from selected fields in the LMC and SMC, respectively. The fields are the same as in the recent distance determination to the Magellanic Clouds with the red clump stars method by Udalski et al. (1998AcA....48....1U). We determine the relative distance scale Galactic Bulge: 0.194+/-0.010; LMC: 1.00 ; SMC: 1.30+/-0.08. We calibrate our RR Lyr distance scale with the recent calibration of Gould and Popowski (1998ApJ...508..844G) based on statistical parallaxes. We obtain the following distance moduli to the Galactic bulge, LMC and SMC: m-M=14.5+/-0.15, m-M=18.09+/-0.16 and m-M=18.66+/-0.16mag.