We present the Catalog of Cepheids from the LMC. The Catalog contains 1333 objects detected in the 4.5 square degree area of central parts of the LMC. About 3.4*10^5^ BVI measurements of these stars were collected during the OGLE-II microlensing survey. The Catalog data include period, BVI photometry, astrometry, and R_21_, phi_21_ parameters of the Fourier decomposition of I-band light curve. The vast majority of objects from the Catalog are the classical Cepheids pulsating in the fundamental or first overtone mode. The remaining objects include Population II Cepheids and red giants with pulsation-like light curves. Tests of completeness performed in overlapping parts of adjacent fields indicate that completeness of the Catalog is very high: >96%. Statistics and distributions of basic parameters of Cepheids are also presented. Finally, we show the light curves of three eclipsing systems containing Cepheid detected among objects of the Catalog. All presented data, including individual BVI observations are available from the OGLE Internet archive at URL: