The WASP-148 planetary system has a rare architecture with a transiting Saturn-mass planet on a tight orbit which is accompanied by a slightly more massive planet on a nearby outer orbit. Using new space-born photometry and ground-based follow-up transit observations and data available in literature, we performed modeling that accounts for gravitational interactions between both planets. Thanks to the new transit timing data for planet b, uncertainties of orbital periods and eccentricities for both planets were reduced relative to previously published values by a factor of 3-4. Variation in transit timing has an amplitude of about 20 min and can be easily followed-up with a 1-m class telescopes from the ground. An approximated transit ephemeris, which accounts for gravitational interactions with an accuracy up to 5 min, is provided. No signature of transits was found for planet c down to the Neptune-size regime. No other transiting companions were found down to a size of about 2.4 Earth radii for interior orbits. We notice, however, that the regime of terrestrial-size planets still remains unexplored in that system.