We study the most precise light curves of the planet-host HAT-P-36 that we obtained from the ground primarily with a brand-new 80cm telescope (T80) very recently installed at Ankara University Kreiken Observatory (AUKR) of Turkey and also from the space with Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The main objective of the study is to analyze the Transit Timing Variations (TTV) observed in the hot-Jupiter type planet HAT-P-36 b, a strong candidate for orbital decay, based on our own observations as well as that have been acquired by professional and amateur observers since its discovery (Bakos et al., 2012AJ....144...19B, Cat. J/AJ/144/19). HAT-P-36 displays out-of-transit variability as well as light curve anomalies during the transits of its planet due to stellar spots. We collected and detrended all the complete transit light curves we had access to from these anomalies, which we modeled with EXOFAST (Eastman et al., 2013PASP..125...83E) and measured the mid-transit times forming a homogeneous data set for a TTV analysis. We found an increase in the orbital period of HAT-P-36 b at a rate of 0.014 seconds per year from the best fitting quadratic function, which is only found in the TTV constructed by making use of the mid-transit times measured from detrended light curves, against an expectation of an orbital decay based on its parameters. We refined the values of these system parameters by modelling the Spectral Energy Distribution of the host star, its archival radial velocity observations from multiple instruments, and most precise transit light curves from the space and the ground covering a wide range of wavelengths with EXOFASTv2 (Eastman, 2017, ascl, 1710, 003). We also analyzed the out-of-transit variability from TESS observations to search for potential rotational modulations through a frequency analysis. We report a statistically significant periodicity in the TESS light curve at 4.22+/-0.02 days, which might have been caused by instrumental systematics but should be tracked in the future observations of the target.