We present a complete morphologically classified sample of 144 faint field galaxies from the HST Medium Deep Survey with 20.0=<Imag<22.0mag. We compare the global properties of the ellipticals and early- and late-type spirals and find a non-negligible fraction (13/144) of compact blue [(V-I)<1.0mag] systems with r^1/4^ profiles. We give the differential galaxy number counts for ellipticals and early-type spirals independently and find that the data are consistent with no-evolution predictions based on conventional flat Schechter luminosity functions (LFs) and a standard cosmology. Conversely, late-type/irregulars show a steeply rising differential number count with slope ({delta}logN/{delta}m)=0.64+/-0.1. No-evolution models based on the Loveday et al. (1992ApJ...390..338L) and Marzke et al. (1994AJ....108..437M & 1994ApJ...428...43M) local luminosity functions underpredict the late-type/irregular counts by 1.0 and 0.5dex, respectively, at Imag=21.75mag. Examination of the irregulars alone shows that ~50% appear inert and the remainder have multiple cores. If the inert galaxies represent a non-evolving late-type population, then a Loveday-like LF ({alpha}=~-1.0) is ruled out for these types, and an LF with a steep faint end ({alpha}=~-1.5) is suggested. If multiple core structure indicates recent star formation, then the observed excess of faint blue field galaxies is likely a result of et evolutionary processes acting on a steep field LF for late-type/irregulars. The evolutionary mechanism is unclear, but 60% of the multiple-core irregulars show close companions. To reconcile a Marzke-like LF with the faint redshift surveys, this evolution must be preferentially occurring in the brightest late-type galaxies with z>=0.5 at m_I_=21.75mag.