The X-ray sources from the observations with the Einstein Observatory (HEAO-2) with intensities of 2-sigma above the background are compiled in this catalog. This catalog covers more sky at fainter flux levels than the Einstein Medium Sensitivity Survey. Fields with diffuse emission sources were excluded. Thus data within 10 degrees of the galactic plane as well as fields within the boundaries of the Magellanic Clouds were excluded. The catalog covers 1850 sq. degrees of the sky. The generation of the Einstein Two-Sigma Catalog was described in detail by Moran et al. (1996). Read this article carefully to ensure responsible use of the Catalog. Address any questions to Ed Moran ( In particular it should be noted that only 28%, or about 13,000 sources in the 2-sigma catalog are real sources. The authors show that cross-correlations with other catalogs is an effective way to select sources in this catalog that are probably real.