CS J=1-0 and NH(J,K)=(1,1) observations toward a large sample of H2O maser regions are reported. A total of 172 sources were observed. 107 were observed in CS and 164 in NH_3_. The main purpose of this work was to study the relationship between the parameters that characterize the high velocity H2O maser emission, which originates in very small (about 10 AU) and very dense (10^7-10^9/cm^3^) regions, and those that characterize the molecular emission coming from quiescent, more extended (0.1-1.0 pc) high density (10^4-10^5/cm^3^) regions, traced by the CS and NH_3_ emissions. The observations were carried out between 1986 and 1990 with the 37 m radio telescope at Haystack Observatory The emission of the (J,K)=(1,1) inversion transition of the NH_3_ molecule at 23.694496 GHz, and the emission of the J=1->0 rotational transition of the CS molecule at 48.990968 GHz were observed.