We present optical spectroscopic identifications of hard X-ray (5-10keV) selected sources belonging to the High-Energy Large-Area Survey sample obtained with BeppoSAX down to a 5-10keV flux limit of F(5-10kev)~3x10^-14^erg/cm^2^/s. The sample consists of 118 sources. There are 25 sources that have been identified through correlations with catalogs of known sources. A spectroscopic identification for 49 more has been searched for with the telescope. The results of 13 fields were empty down to R=21. There were 37 sources identified as type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and nine as type 2 AGNs. The remaining sources are five narrow emission-line galaxies, six clusters, two BL Lac objects, one radio galaxy, and one star.