We report the completion of a survey of radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGNs) begun in an earlier paper (Eracleous & Halpern, 1994ApJS...90....1E) with the main goal of finding and studying broad, double-peaked Balmer lines. We present H{alpha} spectra of 13 more broad-lined objects, including three with double-peaked H{alpha} profiles. The final sample includes 106 radio-loud AGNs. In our final census 20% of objects have H{alpha} lines with double peaks or twin shoulders (the "double-peaked emitters"), and of these 60% (the disklike emitters) can be fitted quite well with a model attributing the emission to a circular, relativistic, Keplerian disk. In four objects where broad H{beta} and Mg II lines have been observed, we compare the profiles with models of photoionized accretion disks and find them to be in reasonable agreement.