We have detected 300 X-ray sources within the half-mass radius (2.79') of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae in a deep (281ks) Chandra exposure. We perform photometry and simple spectral fitting for our detected sources and construct luminosity functions, X-ray color-magnitude, and color-color diagrams. Eighty-seven X-ray sources show variability on timescales from hours to years. Thirty-one of the new X-ray sources are identified with chromospherically active binaries from the catalogs of Albrow and coworkers (2001, Cat. <J/ApJ/559/1060>). We estimate that the total number of neutron stars in 47 Tuc is of order 300, reducing the discrepancy between theoretical neutron star retention rates and observed neutron star populations in globular clusters. Comprehensive tables of source properties and simple spectral fits are provided electronically.