Observations of the globular cluster M10 were taken at the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) 0.9 m telescope on the nights of UT dates 1995 May 6 and 9 using BVI filters. All frames were taken using a 2048x2048 pixel CCD with pixels covering 0.68 arcseconds on a side, for a total field of approximately 23.2 arcminutes on a side. The data were calibrated against Stetson (2000PASP..112..925S) standard stars. Additional high-resolution images were taken at the 3.6 m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) on the night of UT date 1993 April 13 in BI filters. These observations used a 1200x1200 pixel CCD with pixels covering 0.11 arcseconds on a side, for a total field 2.2 arcminutes on a side, roughly centered on the cluster core. These data were calibrated against the KPNO data.