A sample of about 150 AGNs was selected from observations of Chandra and XMM X-ray observatories in a 300arcmin^2^ region of the extended Groth strip (EGS), and observed by the IRAC and MIPS instruments of the Spitzer IR telescope. About 68-80% of these sources were detected by Spitzer, and they show a wide range of mid-infrared properties. The IRAC SED type does not directly correspond to X-ray spectral type (hard/soft). The mid-IR properties of X-ray-detected Lyman break, radio, submillimeter, and optically faint sources vary widely, and for the most part are not distinct from those of the general X-ray/IR source population. X-ray sources emit 6-11% of the integrated mid-IR light, making them significant contributors to the cosmic infrared background.