We derived the black hole fundamental plane relationship between the 1.4GHz radio luminosity (Lr), 0.1-2.4keV X-ray luminosity (LX), and black hole mass (M) from a uniform broad-line SDSS AGN sample including both radio-loud and radio-quiet X-ray-emitting sources. We found in our sample that the fundamental plane relation has a very weak dependence on the black hole mass, and a tight correlation also exists between the Eddington-luminosity-scaled X-ray and radio luminosities for the radio-quiet subsample. In addition, we noticed that the radio-quiet and radio-loud AGNs have different power-law slopes in the radio-X-ray nonlinear relationship. The radio-loud sample displays a slope of 1.39, which seems consistent with the jet-dominated X-ray model. However, it may also be partly due to the relativistic beaming effect. For the radio-quiet sample the slope of the radio-X-ray relationship is about 0.85, which is possibly consistent with the theoretical prediction from the accretion-flow-dominated X-ray model. We briefly discuss the reason why our derived relationship is different from some previous works and expect the future spectral studies in radio and X-ray bands on individual sources in our sample to confirm our result.