We present a survey of serendipitous extended X-ray sources and optical cluster candidates from the Chandra Multiwavelength Project (ChaMP). Our main goal is to make an unbiased comparison of X-ray and optical cluster detection methods. In 130 archival Chandra pointings covering 13deg^2^, we use a wavelet decomposition technique to detect 55 extended sources, of which 6 are nearby single galaxies. Our X-ray cluster catalog reaches a typical flux limit of about 10^-14^ergs/cm^2^/s, with a median cluster core radius of 21". For 56 of the 130 X-ray fields, we use the ChaMP's deep NOAO 4m MOSAIC g', r', and i' imaging to independently detect cluster candidates using a Voronoi tessellation and percolation (VTP) method. Red-sequence filtering decreases the galaxy fore- and background contamination and provides photometric redshifts to z~0.7. From the overlapping 6.1deg^2^ X-ray/optical imaging, we find 115 optical clusters (of which 11% are in the X-ray catalog) and 28 X-ray clusters (of which 46% are in the optical VTP catalog).