We assemble a sample composed of 243 nearby Seyfert galaxies with redshifts z<=0.05 to test the unification scheme. The sample contains 94 broad emission line Seyfert 1 galaxies (BLS1s), 44 narrow emission line Seyfert 1s (NLS1s), 36 X-ray-absorbed hidden broad line region Seyfert 2s (HBLR S2s), 42 X-ray-absorbed non-HBLR S2s, and 27 X-ray-unabsorbed Seyfert 2s (unabsorbed non-HBLR S2s and HBLR S2s). We find that (1) NLS1s have less massive black hole masses than BLS1s, (2) HBLR S2s have the same mass distribution of black holes as BLS1s, (3) absorbed non-HBLR S2s have less massive black holes than HBLR S2s, and (4) unabsorbed non-HBLR S2s have the most massive black holes.