We describe Spitzer MIPS observations of the double cluster, h and {chi} Persei, covering a ~0.6deg^2^ area surrounding the cores of both clusters. The data are combined with IRAC and 2MASS data to investigate ~616 sources from 1.25-24um. We use the long-baseline Ks-[24] color to identify two populations with IR excess indicative of circumstellar material: Be stars with 24um excess from optically thin free-free emission, and 17 fainter sources (J~14-15) with [24] excess consistent with a circumstellar disk. The frequency of IR excess for the fainter sources increases from 4.5 to 24um. The IR excess is likely due to debris from the planet formation process. The wavelength-dependent behavior is consistent with an inside-out clearing of circumstellar disks. A comparison of the 24um excess population in h and {chi} Per sources with results for other clusters shows that 24um emission from debris disks "rises" from 5 to 10Myr, peaks at ~10-15Myr, and then "falls" from ~15-20Myr to 1Gyr.