We applied the maximum likelihood (ML) method, as an image reconstruction algorithm, to the BAT (Burst Alert Telescope) X-Ray Survey (BXS). This method was specifically designed to preserve the full statistical information in the data and to avoid mosaicking of many exposures with different pointing directions, thus reducing systematic errors when co-adding images. We reconstructed, in the 14-170keV energy band, the image of a 90x90deg^2^ sky region, centered on (RA, DE)=(105{deg}, -25{deg}), which BAT surveyed with an exposure time of ~1Ms (in 2005 November). The best sensitivity in our image is ~0.85mCrab or 2.0x10^-11^ergs/cm^2^. We detect 49 hard X-ray sources above the 4.5{sigma} level; of these, only 12 were previously known as hard X-ray sources (>15keV). Swift XRT observations allowed us to firmly identify the counterparts for 15 objects, while 2 objects have Einstein IPC counterparts (Harris et al., 1990, in Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Achievements, ed. M. Elvis (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press), 309); in addition to those, we found a likely counterpart for 13 objects by correlating our sample with the ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalog (Voges et al., 1999, Cat. <IX/10>). Seven objects remain unidentified.