CS(2-1) measurements toward a large sample of fourth Galactic quadrant infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) were made with the Australia Telescope National Facility Mopra telescope in order to establish their kinematic distances and Galactic distribution. Due to its large critical density, CS unambiguously separates the dense IRDCs from more diffuse giant molecular clouds. The fourth-quadrant IRDCs show a pronounced peak in their radial galactocentric distribution at R=6kpc. The first-quadrant IRDC distribution (traced by ^13^CO emission) also shows a peak, but at a galactocentric radius of R=5kpc rather than 6kpc. The reliability of the MSX IRDC catalog by Simon and coworkers is estimated by using the CS detection rate of IRDC candidates. The overall reliability is at least 58%, and increases to near 100% for high contrasts, Galactic longitudes within ~30{deg} of the Galactic center, and large mid-IR backgrounds. A significant fraction of our IRDC sample (14%) showed two CS velocity components, which probably represent two distinct IRDCs along the same line of sight.