We present observations of two areas totalling 0.57deg^2^ in the IC 5146 star-forming region at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0, 24, and 70um observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope. We reexamine the issue of the distance to this cloud and conclude a value of 950+/-80pc is most likely. We compare source counts, colors, and magnitudes in our observed region to a subset of the SWIRE data that was processed through our pipeline. We identify more than 200 young stellar object (YSO) candidates from color-magnitude and color-color diagrams, many of which were previously unknown. We compare the colors of these YSOs to the models of Robitaille et al. and perform simple fits to the SED's to estimate properties of the circumstellar disks likely to surround the Class II and III sources. We also compare the mid-IR disk excesses to H{alpha} emission-line data where available. We present a quantitative description of the degree of clustering, estimate the star formation efficiency, and discuss the fraction of YSOs in the region with disks relative to an estimate of the diskless YSO population. Finally, we compare the YSO distribution to the cold dust distribution mapped by SCUBA and briefly describe the diffuse emission likely due to PAHs associated with the HII region.