We have identified 335 galaxy cluster and group candidates, 106 of which are at z>1, using a 4.5um-selected sample of objects from a 7.25deg^2^ region in the Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) Shallow Survey. Clusters were identified as three-dimensional overdensities using a wavelet algorithm, based on photometric redshift probability distributions derived from IRAC and NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey data. We estimate only ~10% of the detections are spurious. To date 12 of the z>1 candidates have been confirmed spectroscopically, at redshifts from 1.06 to 1.41. Velocity dispersions of ~750km/s for two of these argue for total cluster masses well above 10^14^M_{sun}_, as does the mass estimated from the rest-frame near-infrared stellar luminosity. Although not selected to contain a red sequence, some evidence for red sequences is present in the spectroscopically confirmed clusters, and brighter galaxies are systematically redder than the mean galaxy color in clusters at all redshifts.