Using new laboratory spectra, we have calculated the real and imaginary parts of the index of refraction of amorphous and crystalline H_2_O-ice from 20-150K in the wavelength range 2.5-22um (4000-455cm^-1^) and joined these results with previous measurement from 1.25 to 2.5um. These optical constants improve on previous measurements by having better temperature and spectral resolution and can be used to create model spectra for comparison to spectra of solar system objects and interstellar materials. In this wavelength range, the infrared band shapes and positions of amorphous H_2_O-ice are strongly dependent on deposition temperature. Amorphous and crystalline H_2_O-ice have distinctive spectral bands at all wavelengths in this region with bands weakening and shifting to shorter wavelength in amorphous H_2_O-ice compared to crystalline H_2_O-ice. Some notable exceptions are the band near 6um, which is stronger in amorphous H2O-ice, and the bands near 4.5um and 12.5um, which shift to longer wavelength in amorphous H_2_O-ice.