In the spectra of 139 early-type Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) stars observed with Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer and with deep radio Parkes HI 21cm observations along with those stars, we search for and analyze the absorption and emission from high-velocity gas at +90<={nu}_LSR_<=+175km/s. The HI column density of the high-velocity clouds (HVCs) along these sightlines ranges from <1018.4 to 1019.2cm^-2^. The incidence of the HVC metal absorption is 70%, significantly higher than the HI emission occurrence of 32%. We find that the mean metallicity of the HVC is [OI/HI]=-0.51+/-^0.12^_0.16_. This is the first example of a large (>10^6^M_{sun}_) HVC complex that is linked to stellar feedback occurring in a dwarf spiral galaxy.