We have observed 152 nearby solar-type stars with the Infrared Spectrometer (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. Including stars that met our criteria but were observed in other surveys, we get an overall success rate for finding excesses in the long-wavelength IRS band (30-34um) of 11.8%+/-2.4%. The success rate for excesses in the short-wavelength band (8.5-12um) is ~1% including sources from other surveys. Two stars (HD 40136 and HD 10647) show weak evidence for spectral features; the excess emission in the other systems is featureless. For most stars with excesses, we detect an excess at both IRS and Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) wavelengths. Only three stars in this sample show a MIPS 70um excess with no IRS excess, implying that very cold dust is rare around solar-type stars.